COVID-19 Considerations
The COVID-19 pandemic shook the entire world. From personal lives to the way business is conducted has changed. However, one aspect that has not faulted is that people require consistent, quality, and compassionate care. When the world shut down, our caregivers continued to care for your loved ones in a safe manner.
At Heart & Hands, we have taken extreme precautions to ensure our caregivers follow policies established by our leadership team in concurrence with the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control. Click here for a full list of guidelines.
We have established the following policies for our caregivers:
- If they have a temperature over 100-degrees Fahrenheit, they must stay home and are not permitted to return to work until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If a caregiver is symptomatic, they must self-quarantine for the incubation period of 2-5 days. If symptoms persist, they must get a test and may not return to work without a negative result.
- If a caregiver travels outside of the state of Illinois, the caregiver must quarantine 10-days before returning to work.
Now that vaccines are becoming more readily available, we are encouraging our employees to become vaccinated. We cannot legally force a caregiver to be vaccinated; however, a majority of our caregivers have opted to do so. For our clients’ safety, we recommend them becoming vaccinated to protect themselves against COVID-19.
In the home, our team is doing as much as possible to keep our clients safe. Masks are worn at all times, and there is frequent handwashing and sanitation.
Because our caregivers provide care to more than one client, we do not accept patients who are currently infected with COVID-19. If a current client is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, for the safety of our staff and other clients, we will remove the caregiver from the setting until a negative COVID result is received. We thank you for helping to keep our caregivers and loved ones safe.
Are you interested in receiving convenient, quality care for your loved one? Contact us today!